Another thought whilst I have it in my mind.

I have been sporadic in my post of late and that’s because I don’t think I have much to say well I have but I just don’t know how to say it. Which is odd as I can usually write down my thoughts but I had to admit, and I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad, but a little helping of red vino makes me think better and gets the words out onto print so to speak. And what have I to say this time, well the obvious, time moves on but what concerns me is the way in which technology is being used all around us. There has been stories of governmental snooping on our internet pastimes, Google et al are all harvesting what we say, like what I’m writing now and it is going on with everything connected with the internet, and no one, well a few people, seemed concerned.

In fact people seem to embrace the fact that whatever they write they want the world to know about it and yes I am talking about the biggest talking shop in the world Facebook. But it is not alone and there must be a great part of the worlds population whose lives are there for all to see, good and bad, and they want it that way. I see it with my grandchildren, and even my children, I am left out, I’m not on Facebook so anything that happens in my family I am the last to know. And phones, they are not phones they are mini computers and no one looks up any more they are glued to the ground, well they are looking downwards. My granddaughter can talk to me whilst still sending texts, good job she has unlimited texts on her particular payment model.

At work, in the quest to cut down on paper everything has to be done on computer and only printed out if necessary, which is fine and very noble, save trees and all that but it doesn’t work as most people need a hard copy of what they are doing on the computer, e-mail just doesn’t do hack it. Oh sorry that’s the wrong choice of word as hacking has been big news for a while, none more so than a certain British tabloid being closed down because of alleged hacking of people’s phones, even one young lady who had actually died. But is anyone being held responsible for this act? That’s for the courts to decide and of course plenty of clever lawyers will be employed to, shall we say, their clients are not to blame, no one ever is, look at bankers.

(This post has been lurking in my draft folder and I didn’t realise as I actually wrote it a couple of years ago hence the subject matter may seem a little dated.)